A.H. is a member of New Eden Church and will live in Western Asia from August 2024 to April 2025 to attend Radical’s nine-month training program. (Due to privacy concerns, we cannot share her full name.)

The Radical Training Center aims to equip Christians to develop the resiliency and practical skills necessary to live amongst the unreached and establish a healthy and reproducing church for God’s glory.

As part of the program, A.H. will have the opportunity to live among the unreached and experience full cultural immersion while gaining language and culture acquisition skills and instruction from seasoned, cross-cultural global workers with years of experience in the field.

A.H. has a long-term goal of living overseas as a cross-cultural missionary and prays that her time in Western Asia will give her invaluable skills to do so.

A.H. counts it a privilege to be sent out by New Eden and prays that Christ’s name might be exalted among the 3.28 billion people currently living without hope and without God.

To learn more or get direct contact information, email us at info@newedenchurch.org. To stay up to date on their journey, please sign up for her newsletter below.


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