Please click below to set up monthly support or give one-time donations.

To give by check, please write K.W.’s full name on the memo line, and mail to the following address:

Radical, Inc.
PO Box 38062
Birmingham, AL 35238

K.W. is a member of New Eden Church and serves as one of our global partners. (Due to privacy concerns, we cannot share her full name.)

 K.W. will be working as the Operations Coordinator at Radical’s Training Center in Western Asia. This center exists to prepare global workers to serve long-term among the unreached through full cultural immersion. K.W. will be managing the training facility, student housing, and visiting teachers and agencies, amongst other responsibilities that aim at maintaining a smooth and efficient program.

K.W. will be serving in Western Asia indefinitely, with the hopes of also forming a team and engaging unreached people groups.

K.W. counts it a privilege to be supported and sent out by New Eden and prays that Christ’s name would be further spread around the globe and therefore, all nations, tribes and tongues will call on Him as Savior and Father. 

To learn more or get direct contact information, email us at To stay up to date on their journey, please sign up for their newsletter below.