Elder & Staffing Update (December 2023)


Good afternoon, New Eden family. 

As we head into 2024, we wanted to make you aware of some updates regarding our Elder Team and our church staff.



Yesterday, at our Sunday Gathering, we had the privilege of publicly installing Mark Carpenter as a part of our Elder Team. This installation came after a year-long process in which the current elders and members affirmed Mark's character and calling for this role.

Mark and his wife Stephaney have been attending New Eden for over three years and have faithfully served our congregation in several areas during that time.

Mark Carpenter is added to the Elder Team as our first lay elder, alongside Kevin Perry (part-time pastoral staff) and Joel McCarty (full-time pastoral staff). We are grateful for Mark and his willingness to serve in this capacity.



Kevin Perry, one of our elders and our Pastor for Shepherding, will be moving from one day per week to two days per week for his part-time pastoral position.

When we launched New Eden, Kevin initially worked part-time two days per week, but in 2023, Kevin volunteered to scale back to one day per week to help our budget. We are glad to move him back to the original two days per week as we head into the new year. We believe this will serve the New Eden family well as we grow and become more established each year.


Andrew Calvert has stepped down as the Director for Music to give him more time and energy to invest in other areas of his life.

This past year has been a difficult one for him and his family, and we desire for them to have complete freedom to work toward health.

We want to be clear that this is not, in any way, a punitive decision. The Calverts are still members of New Eden and plan to continue engaging with our church community.

Andrew has faithfully served the New Eden family since before we launched in the fall of 2020, and we are grateful for his investment.

Andrew’s commitment to authenticity and sincerity has largely shaped and formed the culture and ethos of our music and corporate worship at New Eden. We are thankful for the gift that Andrew has been to our church family and are excited to continue journeying together as fellow members in the household of faith.


Compton McMurry will be moving into the part-time position of Director for Music at New Eden beginning January 1, 2024.

Compton and his wife, Meredith, have been members of New Eden since early this year, and have been volunteering as a part of the Music Team for some time now.

Compton has previous experience leading music in corporate worship settings, and we are excited for him to begin serving in this official capacity as a part of our staff.


We recently hired Kaitlin Wallace as a part-time Ministry Assistant with a focus on Administration. Kristy McCarty previously served in this role, and she has now transitioned off of staff as Kaitlin moves into this role.

Kaitlin joined New Eden earlier this year and has been engaged and involved in various ways from the beginning of her time with us.

She will be responsible for assisting in data entry, compiling ministry resources, depositing checks, and other admin duties that serve the elders and members.

We’re grateful to be a part of what God is doing in and among the New Eden family! If you have any questions about any of these changes or updates, please email Joel McCarty at joel@newedenchurch.org.