Staff Update (July 2024)


Good afternoon, New Eden family and friends.

We have a few updates to share with you about some of our staff roles at New Eden. Please keep reading to stay informed regarding the upcoming changes.



Many of you know Sarah, her husband, Jake, and their two girls (Audrey and Bess). They have been New Eden members for almost a year. Starting this month, Sarah has joined the New Eden Staff Team as our Director for Equipping in a part-time capacity. She will also assist our Pastor for Preaching and Oversight in various areas.

As the Director for Equipping, Sarah will be help oversee and organize many of our discipleship environments and operations. This will include things like supporting Serve Teams and their leaders, organizing care for our Global Partners, planning Sunday gatherings, executing Bible Studies, overseeing the vision and mission of New Eden Kids, equipping our groups and leaders (Missional Communities and Growth Partnerships), and a variety of other responsibilities.

Please be in prayer for her as she steps into this role. We are glad to welcome Sarah to the team and believe God has gifted her with unique abilities and experience to serve New Eden during this season of maturation.



Hannah Delgado has been serving on the New Eden Staff Team since February as a part-time Ministry Assistant working with our Pastor for Preaching & Oversight. Due to other staff transitioning out of their roles (see below), she has been training to shift her focus to Administration and Kids’ Discipleship.

She has already assumed weekly administrative duties and is beginning to manage New Eden Kids’ weekly responsibilities (preparing resources, scheduling volunteers, connecting new families on Sundays, etc.). She will be working closely with Sarah Wilbourn to carry out the vision of Kids’ Discipleship as it pertains to our kids’ classes during the Sunday Gathering. 

Please pray for her as she assumes these new responsibilities. We are excited about Hannah’s new opportunities and know she will be instrumental in carrying out New Eden Church’s vision in these areas.


Jess has faithfully served on staff as our Director for New Eden Kids since January 2021. As many of you know, the Coggin family will be moving to Birmingham soon, where Jess’s husband, Ben, plans to attend seminary at Beeson Divinity School. Jess’s last day as the Director for Kids’ Discipleship will be July 31.

While we will miss the Coggin family, both as members and as a part of our staff, we are excited for this next step in their journey. Jess has already been training her replacement, and she will stay on staff with us through this month to help ensure a smooth transition.

We are grateful for Jess’s time serving in this capacity. She has been very instrumental in providing a gospel-saturated environment for our children on Sunday mornings. There is a lot that goes into this role: scheduling volunteers, overseeing curriculum, welcoming new families, and much more. Jess has done all of this with great care and intentionality.

Please be in prayer for them, as they look to follow Jesus in this next season of life. Their last Sunday with New Eden will be on August 4th, and we will spend time praying over them in the Sunday gathering. Please make plans to join us.


As we mentioned at the Sunday Gathering a few weeks ago, K.W.* has accepted a position with the Radical Training Center, a training school for cross-cultural missionaries and church planters. 

She will be moving overseas at the end of this month, and as of June 30, she has transitioned out of her role as a part-time Ministry Assistant. K.W. has been very helpful both in her staff duties and in training her replacement over this last month. We are grateful for the detail and care that went into all of her weekly responsibilities. 

Please be in prayer for her and the many logistics of moving overseas in the coming days. Her last Sunday at a New Eden Gathering will be this Sunday, July 14, and we will pray over her and commission her out at the end of the service. Please make plans to join us. 

*Due to security concerns, we withhold the names and faces of our Global Partners on all public platforms.

Thank you for taking the time to read and stay informed about our upcoming staff changes. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any one of us.

We are grateful for God's continued provision for the New Eden family and ask for continued prayer for health and maturity during this season as a church.

On behalf of the New Eden elders,
Joel McCarty
Pastor for Preaching & Oversight