Current COVID-19 Policy


New Eden family and friends!

As an Elder Team, we value transparency and clarity, so we always communicate if we change or update our COVID-19 policy. As we move into our new building, it’s a good time to review what we are asking of those who attend New Eden Church. We ask for much grace as we move forward together. Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, please know that we are always available.

Below is our current policy and some other reminders.


We are currently mask-optional at our Sunday gatherings (for general areas and general attendees of our Sunday Gatherings).

  • In line with the Governor's most recent policy, we still strongly encourage you to consider wearing a mask, especially if you are unvaccinated and when in close contact with other people.

We will provide a section in the back of the Gathering Room where social distancing and masks will be required.

  • Please do not enter this section without a mask.

We are asking our volunteers to wear masks while they are interacting with others or handling food or drink. This primarily includes our Kids Team, our Greeting Team, and our Communion & Coffee Team.

Other reminders and clarifications:

  • Please stay home if you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms.

  • If you see someone else wearing a mask, please honor them by putting on your mask as you approach them to talk.

  • Even if you are not sitting in the mask-only section, we encourage you to put a mask on and go greet and interact with those in that section.


As we have said during this entire season, we understand that not everyone will agree with every decision we make regarding COVID-19 and how we move forward as a body. We have talked to many of you, and we want you to know that we are listening to your thoughts and opinions. Even if you disagree, we want you to understand how we made this decision, so listed below are the factors we considered.

Love of Neighbor

As long as we have members or guests at New Eden who might be hindered from gathering for worship by a lack of COVID-19 precautions, we will do our best to love those members by providing a way for them to continue meeting with us in person.

The Need to Connect

While we will continue to take precautions, we still prioritize gathering in-person consistently as a church family. We believe this is vital to the health of not only individual Christians, but for us as a community. Even if it looks different than “normal”, we hope to continue meeting to love and support one another as we seek to follow Jesus in every area of life.

The Alabama State Government

From the beginning of COVID-19 regulations, we have tried to follow the government's lead in the language we use when talking about masks and guidelines. When not an issue of right or wrong, we believe that Scripture calls Christians to submit to the ruling authorities as an act of trust in the One who has sovereignly placed them in their position. The most recent order from the Governor is the one we are still holding to: "Masks will no longer be mandated statewide, but individuals are strongly encouraged to wear a mask or other facial covering when in public and in close contact with other people."

Current Trends in Alabama

Cases and hospitalizations in our state and in Morgan County are trending downward, and we expect the death rate to decline soon as well. We will continue to monitor these numbers and adjust accordingly if there are drastic changes in a negative direction.

Vaccination Availability

For those who would like to get one of the COVID vaccines, they are now readily available. And we know that those who are most at-risk at New Eden have already received the vaccination. The vaccines have proven to be effective, and even when there are breakthrough cases, the effects of COVID are greatly minimized.

Ability to Spread Out

We are able to provide a separate mask-required area for those who wish to stay socially distanced and wear a mask at all times.


As elders, we want to express our gratitude for how each of you has carried yourselves during this time. We know that varying responses to this pandemic have become politicized. Still, within our church family, on the whole, we have been able to stay unified and motivated by love for each other. For that, we are thankful.

We want to challenge each of you to continue assuming the best about your neighbor because that's what love does. If you'd like to better understand someone's choice about masks or the vaccine, we encourage you to reach out and ask for that conversation.

Again, if you have any questions at all, please let us know. We are grateful for each of you!

In Christ,
The Elders of New Eden Church
(Joel McCarty & Kevin Perry)