September Gathering Update


Good afternoon New Eden friends and family!

As you all know, we are working on getting our building renovation complete as soon as possible. Our current estimate is that we will be able to gather in the space beginning September 26. We have the sheetrock installation scheduled to start this week, and after that is finished, we can begin the things like painting, installing the various fixtures, and the last few things we need to do.

In the meantime, we will continue to be creative with our Sunday gatherings. Our time in the coffee shop was sweet, even if it was quite chaotic. :) And I thoroughly enjoyed gathering with 1st Missionary Baptist Church the last two weeks. It was good for my soul, and I think it was good for our church family to have that experience. We hope that ongoing gospel fruit continues to be brought forth as a result of our time together. (A friend of mine documented the experience of our two churches coming together, and if you're interested, you can watch his YouTube video by clicking this link.)

Even though we've had sweet times together, we recognize that this season has been a little bit scattered, and we want to express our gratitude for your patience. I shared with Kevin recently that I feel like we are jerking you around back and forth, and this coming month will probably feel no different. We can't change anything, but we do want to acknowledge the discomfort that might exist. 

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that our September plans were to gather at Rhodes Ferry Park off the river in Decatur, and that is still our plan for September 12 & 19. However, we have a change in plans for Sunday, September 5. 

Last week, our sending church in Athens, Summit Crossing Limestone, approached us and asked if we would be willing to gather with them this coming Sunday. They know that we are in between buildings, and they need someone to lead their music this week. Also, Summit recently hired a new Lead Pastor who wants to be intentional in casting vision for what God is doing here in Decatur. With our building close to completion, this will probably be the last opportunity to attend a Sunday gathering there altogether, so considering the above factors, we told them we would be happy to do so. Andrew, our Director for Music, will be leading the time of corporate worship through song. And Bill, their new Lead Pastor, will spend some time updating their people about what God is doing through our New Eden family.

So, to summarize, on September 5, we will be gathering with Summit Crossing Limestone in Athens, and on September 12 & 19, we will be at Rhodes Ferry Park in Decatur for an outdoor service. Hopefully, after that, we will have our Certificate of Occupancy and begin gathering regularly at The Garden on September 26. Please join us in praying toward that end.

I've listed all details below, and you can always find this info under the Events tab on our app or website. Please let me know if you have any questions!


September 5 @ 11am
740 Roy Long Rd, Athens, AL 35611

  • Make note - this is the Summit Crossing located in Athens, NOT the Madison location.

  • Summit Crossing Limestone offers two services (9a & 11a). If you are able, we are encouraging our New Eden family to attend the 11a service so we can worship together.

  • There will be kids' classes for those through 5th Grade.

  • The Summit Crossing COVID policy is currently mask-optional for attendees and mask-required for their volunteers.

  • We have asked them to provide a designated section with socially distanced chairs. (If you are uncomfortable attending, they offer a Livestream at 11a on their Facebook page.)


September 12 & 19 @ 10am
100 Market St NW, Decatur, AL 35601

  • We will have coffee.

  • We will have our normal kids classes for children in 2nd Grade and below. (They will play on the playground some, so please have them dress accordingly.)

  • Please check the weather before each week and dress accordingly. We will be under the pavilion in a shaded location.

  • If the weather causes us to cancel, we will offer an online option.

  • There is plenty of space to spread out, so masks will be optional.

In Christ alone,
Joel McCarty
Pastor for Preaching & Oversight